Norman Kämper-Leymann

Norman Kämper-Leymann Drupal Developer


I started web development as a student assistant at university. Back then there was Plone and MODX and lots of !important CSS, no preprocessors, no package managers. Eventually I met WordPress and touched the first PHP templates. During a trainee I finally learned to know Drupal. I was overwhelmed with this complex project. I started to follow issues on and applied the first patches myself. It's a pleasure to see so many people from all over the world working together on the same cause. I wanted to be part of it. Some day I finally submitted my first patch to What a feeling!
From all the job postings the ones with a focus on Drupal are the ones which I'm most interested in. Drupal never gets boring and while web development is moving really fast Drupal underwent a major upgrade and nowadays can be combined with any custom front-end you want. During the last 3 years I zoomed in on DevOps and continuous integration which got much easier thanks to Composer and configuration management. I'm now looking forward to finally get my hands on some more JavaScript.


City Berlin, Germany


Open Source



  • Drupal User Group Berlin (Link)
    Together with 3 other Drupal enthusiasts I organize the Drupal User Group Berlin meetup. Every first Thursday evening of the month around 10 to 20 Drupalista get together in Berlin to exchange their Drupal experiences, opinions and ideas. As organizers its our job to host the event, call for talks, do the moderation, or to simply keep things rolling.


  • Bachelor's Degree (December 2011)
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    I have a bachelor's degree in Area Studies focusing on Asia and Africa, and in the subsidiary field of Gender Studies. Two quite interdisciplinary academic fields, which enable you to look behind so many curtains. Post-colonialism, lingustics, cultural studies, Japanese language were some of the subjects I studied most intensively.


  • 1xINTERNET (Jan 2021 – current)
    Senior Full-Stack Developer
    1xINTERNET is a leading Drupal agency in Europe. Offices in Germany, Spain and Iceland. Colleagues from many different countries and diverse backgrounds. Remote-first working everywhere. I work there as a full-stack developer in lots of different projects for lots of different clients, while exchanging knowledge and news with all my supportive co-workers in the company's Slack channels. Often I support the front-enders when it comes to deeper Drupal tasks. Often I fill in as a back-ender in ongoing projects. And sometimes I assist the DevOps team by preparing projects for the final go-live or fixing the pipelines.
  • IBM iX – Aperto (Jan 2020 – Dec 2020)
    Senior PHP Developer
    Aperto is a digital agency owned by IBM. They realize huge enterprise projects for really interesting clients using numerous technologies and methodologies. Most of the time I worked on a rather complex Drupal-based business tool for a big German health insurance company. Most of my work was backend-heavy but I also built a new base theme for the application.
  • Ayusa-Intrax (Apr 2017 – Dec 2019)
    Lead Web Developer
    Ayusa-Intrax is the German branch of the US-Japanese Intrax Corp. which sells worldwide student exchanges. I coordinated a number of Drupal 7 sites to be relaunched as one Drupal 8 multi-site together with a front-ender and another back-ender. I led the team into contininous integration, pull requests and code reviews. Together we also redesigned and relaunched the completely refurbished WordPress blog (link) with a beautiful new theme based on Bootstrap.
  • CB.e AG (Jul 2016 – Mar 2017)
    Web Developer
    Back again at CB.e. This time I started the job with a front-end focus. But soon took over my first Drupal 8 projects. I loved this team. Some of them are very skilled and engaged people to learn from, always aiming to make things work smoothly.
  • b-connect (Sep 2015 – Jun 2016)
    Web Developer
    A small Berlin-base Drupal agency with some interesting projects to learn by. I mainly worked on a huge multi-language Drupal marketing multi-site to implement quizzes and gamification.
  • Affinitas (Mar 2015 – Aug 2015)
    Web Developer
    Rocket Internet, yeehaw. They had an online dating platform implemented in multiple markets around the globe. And they had a huge Drupal multi-site running for marketing and customer care purposes. Multi-language, multi-design, multi-content, multi-everyting. Here I learned to love planning pokers and sprinting.
  • {berlin-coding} (Sep 2014 – Feb 2015)
    Web Developer
    I wanted to freelance for a while together with some developer friends. Being your own boss is a nice thing. But after a while I missed working in bigger teams with more dedicated roles and project management.
  • CB.e AG (Mar 2013 – Aug 2014)
    Junior Web Developer
    CB.e is a full service agency in Berlin. This is where I finally started to work with Drupal after I graduated from university. I was looking for a job that let me take up the IT work I did as student assistant. I started as trainee and became a junior web developer thereafter.


  • Rebuild Cache Access (Link)
    Rebuild Cache Access was my first project on It solves an age-old Drupal problem where you sometimes need to give other roles than the ones with the administer site configuration permission the ability to simply flush all caches. The module provides its own permission and a nice toolbar button to trigger drupal_flush_all_caches(). As simple, as effective.
  • Drupal CircleCI Behat (Link)
    Drupal 8 with Composer and configuration management made Drupal DevOps much easier. At the time I initiated this sample project there where not many useful samples on automated Drupal deployment. I chose CircleCI to have a Drupal instance built in containers and then run automated tests against it. Selenium controls a headless Chromium browser and Behat clicks through the site and takes screenshots as soon as something goes wrong.